Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane

please click or C&P the following, and share in my contempt of the now 3 year old Spider-Man revamp! Nuts!

(right click to view image as needed)

Amazing, Spectacular, Astonishing
Amazing, Spectacular, Astonishing pt.2

The kids grow up.

Mary Jane loves Spider-man

MJ, Cap. Cap ? MJ.

This next segment literally brings me to tears.

To get the full scope & context, go out & buy a hardcover or softcover copy of
Spider-Man: Reign, the best Spider-Man story in years.

Reign (interlude) pt.1
Reign (interlude) pt.2

back to the more light-hearted fare:


1 comment:

Electerik said...

Mephisto eagerly awaits Joe Quesada in comic book hell.

Magneto was right!

Long live the marriage of Peter Parker & Mary Jane!